Monday, April 20, 2015


Whatever is written in this page, it is for you to understand that everything you read, everything you see, everything you hear is not about just you alone, but in what life and the world offers you.
We asked questions, tons of questions why life had been a little bit cruel, why it can’t be easy, but to think about the greater picture, because of the questions we asked, we are bound to think of deeper thoughts that we ourselves couldn’t answer, so why ask if we could just go with the flow. Take life smoothly, less questions, less depressions.
I haven’t been in a life we’re I have hit the middle age. But as a 20’s year old I have felt parts of my life where I have been experiencing middle age crisis even if I’m only as young as you are.
But I’m not here to discuss about the analysis of my life or your life, I am here to lift your spirit up, I know we all have this never give up, positive vibes in life, but is it enough to move forward? Is it enough to reach our goals?
This is not your ordinary booklet, nor a picture memory of the things I/ we have been through, but accounts of life that I have been writing for the past few months. Days filled with worries and fears, while others are happiness and cheers but mostly be wilderness and tears and some are just pure love and cares, mostly just a transition of my daily life J

So here I am giving this booklet to you, just to remind you that you are not alone in this life, there’s someone like me who feels the same way and I bet you know it. And to continue writing every memory you wished to for see. Accounts in life you wanted to achieve. So take a pen and write my dear friend! :D

PAGE 1: Coffee and Tea (Live to Inspire)

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