Showing posts with label inspirations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspirations. Show all posts

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Things I have learned from our Kawaii PH Leaders: D

  I have always been introvert as a child, in order to get out of my shell; my mom had enrolled me with different extra-curricular activities to enhance my social skill, to the extent that I have chosen my Communication Arts course to be more sociable. My course was therapeutic for me, I have learned a lot of things in myself, things that I didn’t expect that I would overcome.
                After graduation, I have often asked this questions until now “What are you doing with your life?” it’s an easy question, but I am always having a hard time answering. My mind is screaming, “I am focusing on myself and I would love to hone my craft and to earn money in the way I liked it” but my mouth is pre-cautiously uttering “I am still looking for a job but for now I am self employed.” In return I would be slammed with words “Find any job, don’t be picky. You should earn more than what you are earning now”
                If you’re going to read it, all they wanted was for me to find a job so that I could give the necessities that are suitable for my family. I am the eldest it’s my job my dreams are to follow. But my yearnings for that hope of one day my dreams would come true and I am going to make it is kept hidden behind my heart and the only people who knew was my mom and siblings and my best friend.
                Years from now, I am still a nobody; I am still trapped on being a potato.(HAHAHA) I am out on the open, but I am scared in reaching for that life vest that would save me.  And here I am still trying to do my best to swim, to not let myself drown on my own tears, so despite of my inner monsters trying to stop me what I want and despite of others judging me till I lose myself, I remain calm, positive and still has the drive to achieve what I want, to the extent others find it stubborn.
                I listen to every criticism they say, I keep it in my heart so that I could remain strong despite of this storm. So as I was venturing into my own crafts and dreams, I have come to a place where I feel that somehow I am not the only one who has been feeling this way, I have been an avid reader of Kaila, Chichi, Ashley and Anne for quite some time now, and for every sweet knowledge of life (quotable quotes of positiveness), I have copy and paste it here on my work pad so that I could keep reminding myself to be positive at all times yet is okay to be feeling down sometimes and that every dream is possible if you have the power of believing in it.  And I thanked them for showing me and all the other girls that there is nothing wrong to like cute things at age 25 :D “It’s okay to be different sometimes”
photo from chichilittle

Kaila Ocampo (Rainbowholic)

Chichi Romero (LittleMissPaintbrush) 

Kaye Romero (DollyKaye)

Anne Pinero (#PhotoByAnnePinero • #hyperstrokes)
Ashley Dy (CandyKawaiiLover)

Here are the things I have learned from our Kawaii Ph leaders

1.      On getting out of your comfort zone

a.        “Get uncomfortable” – Kaila (rainbowholic) “Frustrations can be quite a helpful, if you just acknowledge they exist & you befriend them. Hello frustration, let’s be friends. And hi future failures, let me learn from all you. Though please do not slap me too hard when I experience you, thank you. And I do hope that as I grow and mature, you guys better minimize yourselves lolol. : )” ( -Our answers to remedies is not inside our safe zone but beyond the limits of our own sanctuaries, we must be able get out of that space and to accept the challenge life had banged on us, it’s okay to fail sometimes and learn at the same time-
b.       “There are no free lessons in life, so they say. Especially when I’m out there in the wildlands, nobody’s gonna water me or… nurture me with fertilizer” – Chichi (LittleMissPaintbrush) – - I practiced every chance I got. I just kept on drawing whenever I could, and soon I began to learn what works for me and what doesn’t. I still do these things until now! ( -In order to improve on yourself, whether it’s on your artistic skills or on your talents, you need to figure out things on your own first, what do you visualize for your own self, what are the ways you need to improve or hone your talents.
c.        “Proper Implementation: Always think ahead! Don’t be afraid to bend your plans a little if chance doesn’t go your way.” – Ashley (Candy Kawaii Lover) – ( Sometimes our plans never work out the way we wanted it, there’s a little bit twist in fate that made it exciting or sometimes just annoying. It’s okay, all we need to do is to think about any necessary actions to simply not ruin our day, or just face it as calmly as possible (easier said than done), but we’ll never know, all we need is a major guidance from the heavens above, so that our life would be smooth sailing. 

2.       On surrounding yourself with People
a.        “You also need passionate friends. The one who will support you and inspire you to keep going. I just have to say if you need doses of inspiration, follow Kaila, ChichiKaye and Tricia.” – Ashley (
b.       “You really are the average of the people you hang out with. Make sure you’re in the right crowd. It doesn’t have to be a big one.. it just needs to be the right one for you. You don’t need many friends, you need real ones!” – Kaila (
c.        “I met a handful of people who touched my life. Some stayed and some are just for a moment but it’s not about the duration but it’s about the moments that happened that should be treasured.” – Anne
d.       “Right now as I grow older, I only maintain quality friendships and I no longer make time for half-hearted relationships that just confuse me. Because I love myself, I know who to keep close in my life and I try my best to stray away from drama.” - Kaila

3.      On inspirations
a.        It’s easy to be inspired when you love what you do. Even when other people try to bring me down, I carry on. =P I stay inspired because art is my passion. :DD” – Chichi (
b.        “Inspiration: Whether it’s a season, a person or a colour. Everything starts with a dream.” – Ashley (
c.        If you doubt yourself, your possible sources of inspiration will be limited, because even from the start, you believe you can’t do certain things” – Chichi (

4.      On success
a.        “Real success in life does not only mean living your life the way you want it to be… but it’s also how you share or lift others up once you are capable of doing amazing things by your own rules.” (
b.       “ I personally believe that success is relative, I'm grateful that other people consider me as such. There are still lots of things that I have to accomplish when it comes to blogging but for opportunities - does it mean getting invited to events? free trips abroad?” – Ashley (

5.      On feedbacks
a.        “LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN. Don’t be immediately defensive. Understanding a feedback takes time, so take your time. Know who the feedback is coming from, is it biased because they hate/love you? One way to avoid biased critiques is controlling feedback by initiating/asking for it. This way, you’re prepared and you’re in control!” – Chichi

6.      On how you deal with people who doesn’t support you
a.        “Do not get too affected on what people would think and tell about you.”- Kaye (
b.       Don’t just tell them your dreams, show them, Waste your time in doing what you’re supposed to do and let your success story show them of your idea of happy success, hehe.” – Kaila (
c.        “So when somebody is unsupportive you, don’t let the unsupportive-ness stop you from reaching your full potential.” – Kaila
d.       “When nobody believes you can, it does not matter. What matters is you believe in yourself” – Kaila
e.        “I’ve encountered some people who would tell me that these efforts will not do anything for my future, which I find really harsh. But of course, I should not let these get in my way. I just need to work hard enough and prove that someday, my dreams WILL come true and they will not underestimate me anymore” –Kaye

7.      ME TIME
a.        “Learn how to be alone. Incubate yourself. Hibernate from time to time.” – Kaila
8.      On failing
a.        “When you hit the rock bottom part of your life, embrace your sadness for a while but wipe your tears afterwards and be brave enough to face your own problems head-on (and with a fresh startttt)!” – Kaila
b.       Remember that you have the power to try and try again. As of the moment, I am still figuring out a lot of things I know I’d make many messy loops in my life… but it’s okay.” – Kaila

9.      It’s Okay to be different
a.        “it is better to be different in a normal crowd. At least, you are standing out!”- Kaye

10. On Happiness
a.         I got to learn how to be happy from the simple and small things I see around me. Like this soft-served and macaron. It reminded me that life can be sweet too.” – Anne (
b.       Happiness is definitely a choice. If you’re feeling sad right now try to smile/ exaggerate your laugh, you’ll feel at least a little bit better.” – Ashley (

11. On achieving your dreams
a.        I just need to work hard enough and prove that someday, my dreams WILL come true and they will not underestimate me anymore.” – (Kaye, DollyKaye)
b.       When achieving your dreams, the looks + talent combination is never enough. Looks + talent + RIGHT ATTITUDE will bring you to your dream destination.” – Kaila
c.        “The world is huge and my world shouldn’t just revolve in Japan somehow. I miss it so, so much though. Maybe, it’s time to see how far can I really go” – Ashley
d.       “When reaching those dreams of yours, just work hard.Slowly, one by one, you will reach those dreams.” – (
e.         “Analyze your dreams well, Set your goals, Have a deadline, Live your life, Emerge yourself to the community you want to be in, You will get there” – Ashley

12. Dreams do Come true
a.        “To be honest I’m teary-eyed typing everything right now because this is very close to my heart and this is a big proof that DREAMS DO COME TRUE and God is really kind, He grant my wish… my dream. Well to every dreamer.” – Anne on her first Fashion Photoshoot on Coleen Garcia

Thank you for taking your time reading my blog :D I hope this words and wisdom can also help you boost your self esteem/self confidence the way I do :D To our Kawaii PH Leaders thank you! Thank you for sharing your dreams to all of us! Thank you for lifting our spirits and for helping us reach our dreams ;D :D

You can check their blogs on the link I have provided on some quotes :D thank you! 


-From Facebook
☆ Kawaii PH ☆ is a movement that aims to promote the Kawaii culture as a lifestyle. 

More than an appreciation of all things cute, the Kawaii lifestyle is a way of looking at the world in a happy and positive light. Following the success of the Kawaii in Manila workshop, Kawaii PH pushes for awareness, acceptance, and proliferation of the kawaii culture, starting with our homeland, the Philippines. (◕‿◕✿)

From the same producers of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu PH ( and ( ~ ♥

For business inquiries, kindly reach us at for your proposals.

hihihihi :D

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