Monday, February 20, 2023

Learnings from Hometown Cha Cha


Finally had time to take time and watch Hometown Cha Cha. I was too indulge with crime-fighting kdramas that I have forgotten this gem existed. 

It was such a fun ride of all episodes. I was smiling from ear to ear at Shin Min Ah and Kim Seon Ho's chemistry. But what has even amazed me was the chemistry with everyone in Gonjin.

I was laughing at one scene where Hong Du Shik had shown Hye Jin his certificates, I remember my younger self telling my dream employers my skills hahaha ANYHOOOO>...

Hometown Chacha is one of the kdramas I could really add to my list of healing series. It's a kdrama full of quotes and lessons. 

1. Learn to apologize. 

“If you can’t pick up split milk, you should at least apologize to them for spilling the milk, rather than avoid them.” – Hong Du Sik

Apologize by heart. Sometimes as the elders say, it's easier to say sorry but not really mean it. At the same time it's always a huge thought process to admit that we are wrong and we are sorry. As humans, we are not perfect, we commit mistakes, we are sometimes wrong, because in the end we must take responsibility for the actions or words we have said or make. 

2. Life isn't fair for all of us. 

As everyone is taking on different paths; everyone is on a different phase, with different struggles, and different successes. But at the end of the day always choose to be kind, and just like what my mom keeps on saying "always put yourself in someone else shoes". Before you say anything, think about it first. 

3. You are bound to meet unexpected situations in life. 

We cannot control everything. There's this line Hye Jin said “I’m one of those people who plan every second of their lives” this reminded me of my teenage self who had her planner next to her at all times. But despite of planning, a lot of the notes I had wasn't really followed. No matter how hard you try, things wouldn't really be in the place you wanted them to be. I felt Hong Du Sik in these lines, whenever something didn't fit right, I never had the thought process of why. 

Sometimes I didn't like it about my personality, I was always going with the flow. I was making too much notes but ending it will postpone schedules and all. hahahahahah 

But in the end it always give me that will power of not losing hope and always think that "this is not my bus" so I really have to wait. One of the best things in life are the things we never expect, and the things we never expect are also the things that could hurt us. But in the end, we must always welcome the rain even if we'll end up getting drenched. 

4.  Money and Success aren't the only valuable things in life. 


My mom kept on reminding me of these words ever since I was growing up. But as a youngster, I used to retaliate with an answer "Pero money can buy dolls! So I am happy". Funny thing is that my parent never spoiled us with material things that whatever we have, learn to appreciate it, accept it from your heart. For me, I was blessed that it wasn't something a big of deal if I can't have anything. But of course when reality strikes, you will be really needing money. But at the end of the end it is money with contentment. 

5. Every day is full of excitement

Have you ever feel that? As I age, I started to act less and less and just thank everything that my eyes are seeing. For years it was all about finding what I wanted, reading a lot of self help books, having real time understandings in  life, etc. But now that I have aged, I feel like despite of what is going on Every day is always a good day :) I know that in the end I will always need this life lessons, but it's also nice to go with the flow once in a while. I can hear my younger self who really loved the word Every Day! She really believed that all every days are magic. 

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