Good bye to the years where I am sinking myself to sleep
Good bye to the years were worries have drowned me
Good bye to the years where unstoppable pain troubles me
Good bye to the years where I lose myself
Good bye to the years where I didn’t believe in myself
Good bye to the years where I threw my faith
Good bye to the years where I question everything
Good bye to the years where everything I see is negative
Good bye to the years I wasn’t myself
And good bye to the years where I have lost the dreams of my childhood
Good bye my old self, hello the new me
I am okay, no, I am stronger than okay
I am better, and I can, and I will!
I can do everything as long as I believe in myself
I have the faith to prosper
I can carry the pain and make it through
And I can be who I always wanted to be
Positive and a child wonder!